VIP Homes, offers “TRANSPARANCY” towards the market and for this very important and indispensable reason, we transmit who is behind our project & who offers us the service.
Any Construction work done in a Home or Business needs to have by LAW all the below, otherwise there are heavy fines for all involved: client, working company and workers:
VIP Homes partners & suppliers:
VIP Homes Costa del Sol, S.L.
CIF: B-93163400 (known in other countries as TAX Number)
- Tomo: 4955
- Folio: 189
- Hoja: MA-111687
Our “in House” Architect Borja Gavilán registered with the Spanish Architect School Nº 961
For major Home construction this is taken for granted, but for smaller jobs very often ignored. VIP Homes Architect gives this extra needed guarantee.
Any change in our home requests permition from the different authorities and the property owner is always the responsible person. VIP Homes will organize this
- All jobs will have the required Building Licences from the Town Hall, which is obligatory by law, and if not: can be heavily fined and the jobs immediately stopped. Property owner is responsible.
- Permission from the Community and the Administration. Very unusual by other companies but this is protect our client from any surprises, work stop from the police or a high economical fine for going against the rules.
- We will also legally take away all rubbles to recycling plant, paying the requested taxes for it. We do not go for illegal dumping somewhere, like others do.
In order to have clean figures towards authorities we rely on:
Bernardo Ortega Leiva
Economista – Asesor Fiscal
Teléfono: 952 470 301
As by law so calles “Seguro de Responsabilidad Civil” with MAPFRE
The Spanish law 32/2006 regulates the construction sector and since 2008. Any company with base in Andalucia, and wishes to work in the construction sector, needs by obligation to be registered in the REA
Construction companies that have the so called REA inscription, means that they have an official inscription under the supervition of the local government: regional Andalusian Community (Junta de Andalucía).
Registration Nº: 01290006842
Any construction company is forced to have “Prevencion de Riesgos Laborales”, and follow certain rules.
ANP Servicio de Prevención Ajeno, S.L.
Telf: 952 311 909
VIP Homes is clean and without any debts towards the Spanish Tax Authorities “Hacienda” and Social Security “Seguridad Social”
All our workers would be legalized and have all their papers clean, labor contract and insured under the spanish Social Security (Seguridad Social). This means that we offer security to our clients, which is not always done by other companies.
We do not operate with the so called “black market” nor with un-insured workers that in case of any accident can claim the property owners.
Jobs that we can´t do internally or we consider to require a specialized team, then we would offer this. Any company that would work in our team, VIP Homes would request all the above in order to follow our rules.
We will attend you in: English, Español, Deutsch, Nederlands, Svenska